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Print version release before the end of February!


Sandi's life story begins with growing up in two coastal towns in New England. After living on the West Coast for over twenty-five years as an adult, Sandi was drawn back to the east coast state of Connenticut so she could write her story where it took place.

Living by the ocean as a child is where Sandi's love of the water, sun, and sand in her toes began. It has also become her happy place to relax and reflect, and now heal.

Sandi had always enjoyed reading and editing the writing pieces of others, however never considered herself a writer. Then one day, when she decided to share the hidden secret of her life with others, everything changed. The people Sandi shared her story with, all responded with, "You have a story to tell, you should write a book."

It wasn't until five years later that Sandi finally decided to put pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard, and started writing. She then packed up her things and headed back to where her story began.

This is Sandi's first real writing venture and she's put her heart and soul into it by doing a deep dive into her past. She addressed the various childhood traumas she's experienced and shared many vulnerable moments in hopes her story will resonate with the reader in more than one way. Ultimately, the reader will learn and grow from their own experiences and discover their own inner-strength so they too can begin a journey of healing in a way that is good for them.